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These General Conditions of Sale are those of AMI PARIS SAS, Simplified Joint Stock Company under French law, whose head office is located at 54, rue Etienne Marcel – 75002 Paris, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register, under number B 527 636 609, whose VAT number is FR13527636609.


These general conditions of sale (hereinafter “CGV”) express the entirety of the obligations parts. In this sense, the Buyer is deemed to accept them without reservation.

The General Conditions of Sale apply to all sales concluded on the site / . They do not apply to sales in stores or through other marketing channels. They are accessible on the website / (hereinafter the “Site”) and will take precedence over any other document. AMI PARIS (hereinafter “AMI PARIS” or the “Seller”) and the Buyer agree that the present conditions exclusively govern their relationship.

AMI PARIS products (hereinafter the “Products”) are exclusively intended to be sold to final consumers who are natural persons or customers who are non-professional legal entities (hereinafter the “Customers”), to the exclusion of all resellers or intermediaries acting on behalf of resellers. Therefore, the Buyer affirms that he acts as a final consumer and that he does not intend to resell the Products for commercial purposes.

The Seller reserves the right to occasionally modify the T&Cs which will be applicable as soon as they are put online. If a condition of sale were to be missing, it would be deemed to be governed by the practices in force in the distance selling sector.


These General Terms and Conditions are intended to define the rights and obligations of the Parties in the context of the online sale of AMI PARIS products offered by the Seller through the Site. The Buyer confirms having read the General Terms and Conditions and having accepted them at the time of placing his order. They are enforceable against him in accordance with the terms of article 1119 of the Civil Code.


The Buyer acknowledges having had communication, prior to placing the order and concluding the contract, in a readable and understandable manner, these General Terms and Conditions and the following information: essential characteristics of the Products; their price and associated delivery costs; delivery time; the identity of the Seller; payment terms; the terms of return and processing of complaints.


Any order placed on the Site constitutes express acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions and constitutes acceptance of the prices and Products available at the sale on the Site.

Order process:

The Buyer who wishes to place an order must follow the following procedure:

1)     Choice of Product: the Buyer must select the Product he wishes to order.

2)     Verification of the contents of the Buyer's selection: the Buyer checks the contents of his basket while retaining the possibility of deleting the Products he has selected.

3)     Identification: the The buyer has the possibility of creating an account by completing the identification form made available to him and indicating the requested information (mandatory information, name, first name, address, e-mail, password, telephone number for delivery ). However, the Buyer is not required to create an account to place an order on the Site, and can continue in guest mode if necessary.

4)     Verification of the Buyer's order: the buyer checks the content of his order, the total price, the delivery address and the billing address while retaining the possibility of deleting a Product or modifying the billing and delivery address. The Buyer validates his method and terms of delivery and payment.

By placing an order, the buyer confirms his acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions. After having validated his payment, the Buyer can no longer modify and/or cancel his order.

5)     Acknowledgment of receipt of the order: the Buyer receives an e-mail summarizing the content of his order, namely:

-      his delivery and billing addresses| ||3325

-      le numéro de sa commande

-      the date of the order

-      the list of Products ordered and their amounts

-      the mode and delivery terms (address provided by the Buyer).

The Buyer is advised to keep and print this document, official proof of his order. The order is then recorded and processed by AMI PARIS which checks the availability of the Product(s) ordered. Any order placed constitutes acceptance of the prices and descriptions of the Products available for sale.

6)    Confirmation of shipment of the order: the buyer receives a summary e-mail the content of his order. The contract is deemed to be concluded on the date this e-mail is sent. In the event of unavailability of an ordered Product, the Product cannot be shipped and the Buyer will obtain a refund for any unshipped Product. Reimbursement is made within a maximum period of fourteen (14) days.

In certain cases, notably in the event of non-payment, or other problem on the Buyer's account, the Seller reserves the right to block the Buyer's order until the problem is resolved.

The cancellation of the order and its possible refund will then be carried out.

For the follow-up of an order, the buyer can refer to the order tracking page in their customer account, to the pages FAQ or ask a question via our formulaire de contact . The Buyer may also contact AMI PARIS Customer Service (hereinafter the “Customer Service”):

·      By telephone: +33 1 86 95 25 50

·      By post: AMI PARIS Customer Service 54, rue Etienne Marcel 75002 Paris


The online provision of the Buyer's bank card number and the final validation of the order will constitute proof of the Buyer's agreement to:

·      Payability of the sums due under the order form,

·      The signature and express acceptance of all operations carried out.


The computerized records, kept in the Seller's computer systems under reasonable security conditions, will be considered as proof of communications, orders and payments made between the parties. The archiving of orders and invoices is carried out on a reliable and durable medium which can be produced as proof.


"The Products governed by these General Terms and Conditions are those which appear on the Site and which are indicated as sold and shipped by AMI PARIS. They are offered while stocks last. AMI PARIS incurs no liability in the event of stock shortage or unavailability. Products on the Site. AMI PARIS reserves the right to change the Products offered on the Site at any time and without notice.

In order to ensure better quality of service and availability of its Products to all Buyers of the Site, AMI PARIS reserves the right to limit the quantity of Products that can be purchased by a Buyer, in compliance with the applicable provisions in this area and in particular those of Article L.121-11 of the French Consumer Code.

In accordance with this article, AMI PARIS reserves the right not to accept a order from a Buyer with whom he is in dispute for a previous order, or if AMI PARIS reasonably considers that this Buyer has violated these General Terms and Conditions, that he is engaged in fraudulent activity, or for any other legitimate reason.

AMI PARIS could also be forced to cancel a Customer's order in the event of an obvious material error concerning the display of the price of the Products sold. For example, a price displayed in a clearly erroneous manner, much lower than the actual price of the product offered for sale, could not legitimately be opposed in good faith by the Customer.

If all efforts are made to ensure that the color and pattern of the Products whose photos are displayed on the Site are faithful to the original Products, variations may occur, in particular due to technical limitations in color rendering on the Buyer's computer equipment. Consequently, AMI PARIS cannot be held responsible for non-substantial errors or inaccuracies in the photographs or graphic representations of the Products appearing on the Site."


Le Vendeur se réserve le droit de modifier ses prix à tout moment mais s'engage à appliquer les tarifs en vigueur indiqués au moment de la commande, sous réserve de disponibilité à cette date.

Depending on the country of delivery selected, prices can be displayed as follows:

- All taxes included, taking into account the VAT applicable on the day of the order. Any change in the applicable VAT rate will be automatically reflected. .

- Excluding taxes, with taxes and customs duties to be paid when placing the order.

- Excluding taxes, with taxes and customs duties to be paid when placing the order. delivery.

A message will always be present when placing an order to indicate to the Buyer the situation in which they find themselves and the applicable terms.

Furthermore, the prices do not take into account delivery costs, invoiced in addition, and indicated before validation of the order

Payment of the entire price must be made when ordering. At no time can the sums paid be considered as deposits or advance payments.

If one or more taxes or contributions, particularly environmental, were to be created or modified, either up or down, this change may be reflected in the sale price of the Products.

In the event of unavailability of certain Products ordered, only the price and transport costs relating to the Products available will be debited.


This is an order with payment obligation, which means that placing the order involves payment by the Buyer.

Pour régler sa commande, l'Acheteur dispose, à son choix, de l'ensemble des modes de paiement mis à sa disposition par le Vendeur. The Buyer guarantees that he has the necessary authorizations to use the chosen payment method. The Seller reserves the right to suspend all order management and delivery in the event of refusal of authorization for payment by credit card from officially accredited organizations or in the event of non-payment. The Seller reserves the right in particular to refuse to make a delivery or to honor an order from a Buyer who has not paid in full or with whom a payment dispute is being administered. 

The Seller reserves the right to cancel an order in the event of suspicion of fraud.

In the event of payment by credit card, the card is only debited 'at the time the order is shipped. Payments made by the Buyer will only be considered final after effective collection of the sums due by the Seller.


Product offers and prices are valid as long as they are visible on the Site, while stocks last.

Except in cases of force majeure or during periods of closure of the online store which will be clearly announced on the home page of the site, shipping times will be, within the limits of available stocks, those indicated at indicative title when placing the order. Shipping times run from the date of registration of the order indicated on the order confirmation email.

The Seller reserves the right not to accept an order from a Buyer with whom it is in dispute for a previous order, or if AMI PARIS reasonably considers that this Buyer has violated these General Terms and Conditions or that he has engaged in fraudulent activity, or for any other legitimate reason.


The amount of preparation and shipping costs are borne by the Seller, unless the Buyer opts for one of the specific delivery methods offered during of his order, in which case costs will be borne by the Buyer; the amount of these costs is communicated to the Buyer prior to the validation stage of his order.

They will be detailed on the invoice.

The Seller cannot be held responsible for any action and/or costs and/or taxes (which are the responsibility of the Buyer) and/or delays due to customs services over which it has no control.

Delivery means the transfer to the Buyer of physical possession of the Product ordered.

The Products are delivered to the address indicated by the Buyer when placing the order, the Buyer must ensure that they exactness. The Buyer must check the conformity of the Products delivered at the time of delivery and before signing the carrier's delivery note. This verification is considered to have been carried out once the Buyer, or a person of his choice, has signed the delivery note. No complaints about the condition of the package(s) delivered will then be admissible. If at the time of delivery, the original packaging is damaged, torn or opened, the Buyer must then check the condition of the items. If they have been damaged, the Buyer must refuse the package.

Exceeding the estimated delivery time indicated cannot give rise to any cancellation of the order or any reduction in the price paid by the buyer and no payment for damages.

However, in the absence of delivery after thirty (30) days from the maximum estimated time, the Buyer may request cancellation without costs of the order by contacting Customer Service. The amounts he has paid will then be refunded.

In the event of an incomplete address, wrong address, refusal of the package by the recipient or lack of information resulting in the impossibility of delivering the Product to the recipient in due time, AMI PARIS cannot be held responsible for the final quality of this delivery. The Customer is subject to the carrier's general delivery conditions which, in certain cases, if he does not comply with them may impact the quality of delivery.

If the Products need to be returned to the Seller, they must be the subject of a return request from the Seller within fourteen (14) days following delivery. Any complaint made outside this deadline cannot be accepted. The return of the Product can only be accepted for Products in their original condition.


The Products sold by AMI PARIS are subject to the conditions of legal guarantees provided for by articles L.217-4 to L.217-14 of the Consumer Code as well as by articles 1641 to 1648 of the Civil Code, to the exclusion of all other guarantees:

AMI PARIS refusera toute réclamation portant sur des Produits qui ont été utilisés de façon inappropriée.

The Buyer must inform the Seller within fourteen (14) days of delivery, any complaint of non-conformity of the Products. Any complaint made after this deadline will be rejected.

The complaint may be made, at the Buyer's choice:

·      Via the return request page

·      Via the contact form

·      By telephone: +33 1 86 95 25 50|| |3694

·       By post: AMI PARIS Customer Service 54, rue Etienne Marcel 75002 Paris

Any complaint not made within the rules defined above cannot be taken into account into account and will release the Seller from any liability towards the buyer.

In the event of non-conformity of the Products, any Product to be reimbursed must be returned to the Seller in its entirety and in its entirety. original packaging, to the following address:


20 boulevard de l'Europe

77380 Combs-la-Ville



The transfer of ownership and the risks of loss and deterioration relating thereto will only be carried out after full receipt of the price by the Seller, regardless of the delivery date. The Products therefore travel at the Seller's risk. However, the Buyer assumes the risks (in particular loss, theft or deterioration) concerning the Products delivered from the moment they are delivered to the address indicated when ordering.


Article 15.1 – Legal guarantee of conformity

AMI PARIS will deliver to the Buyer a Product conforming to the contract and free from defects in conformity when handing over said Product, in the sense that the Product will be suitable for the use usually expected of a similar good and that it will present the characteristics presented during the sale.

Article 15.2 – Legal guarantee of hidden defects

AMI PARIS will provide the Customer with a Product free from hidden defects which would make it unsuitable for the use for which it is intended, or which reduce this use to such an extent that it would not have been not acquired, or would only have given a lower price, if he had known them.

These guarantees will only apply on the condition that the Customer makes the request within 24 months from the delivery of the Product (for the legal guarantee of conformity) or the discovery of the defect (for the legal guarantee of hidden defects).

Defects of conformity which appear within a period of 24 months from delivery are presumed to exist at the time of delivery, unless proven otherwise.


In accordance with articles L. 121-16 et seq. of the code of consumption, the Buyer has a period of fourteen (14) days from the day of delivery of his order to notify customer service of his desire to return the Product.

Any returned package beyond the announced deadlines, will be refused and returned to the sender. The risks associated with returning the Products are the responsibility of the sender. AMI PARIS cannot be held responsible for cases of loss, theft or damage to the package.

For Customer Service to accept the exchange and/or refund, the Product must be returned complete in its original packaging. original, undamaged, with its label attached, within twenty (20) days following communication of the withdrawal decision days following notification to the Seller of the Buyer's withdrawal decision. All Package returned after the announced deadlines will be refused and returned to the sender.

Products damaged, soiled or incomplete or identified as counterfeits are not taken back.| ||3813

Le droit de rétractation peut être exercé par tous modes, y compris en ligne, à l'aide du withdrawal form available on the Site.

If this right is exercised, the price of the Product and delivery costs are refunded.

The Products must be returned to the following address:


20 boulevard de l'Europe

77380 Combs-la-Ville


The refund will be made by AMI PARIS within fourteen (14) days from receipt of the returned Products.

If this right is exercised, AMI PARIS undertakes to reimburse the price of the Products as well as the delivery costs including package tracking. To this end, you should insert the delivery invoice indicating the tracking number of the package into the return package.


Any circumstances beyond the control of the Parties preventing the execution under normal conditions of their obligations are considered as causes of exemption from the obligations and result in their suspension.

The party invoking the circumstances referred to above must immediately notify the other party of their occurrence, as well as their disappearance.

All facts will be considered as force majeure or irresistible circumstances, external to the parties, unforeseeable, inevitable, independent of the will of the parties and which cannot be prevented by the latter, despite all reasonably possible efforts. Expressly, the following are considered as force majeure or fortuitous events, in addition to those usually retained by the jurisprudence of French courts and tribunals: the blocking of means of transport or supplies, earthquakes, fires, storms, floods, lightning, shutdown of telecommunications networks or difficulties specific to telecommunications networks external to customers.


When the Buyer registers on the Site, AMI PARIS collects their personal information (personal data, e-mail address, gender, etc.) through the registration form in order to offer them the services accessible in the restricted access areas of AMI PARIS. The provision of personal information concerning him is essential for the processing and delivery of his orders.

The ordering process on the Site may require the creation of a Buyer account in which his information is stored and protected by a password that the Buyer will choose. This information is strictly confidential and is intended for AMI PARIS exclusively. They will be processed in strict compliance with the provisions of the “Informatique et Libertés” Law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 and Regulation (EU) 2016/679, general regulation on data protection.

À ce titre, AMI PARIS s’engage notamment à (i) garantir la confidentialité des données à caractère personnel traitées dans le cadre des présentes en mettant en œuvre les mesures de sécurité appropriées dans son domaine d’activité, (ii) veiller à ce que les personnes autorisées à traiter les données à caractère personnel en vertu des présentes s’engagent à respecter la confidentialité ou soient soumises à une obligation légale appropriée de confidentialité et reçoivent la formation nécessaire en matière de protection des données à caractère personnel, et (iii) à ce que ses éventuels sous-traitants respectent les obligations légales pour le compte et selon les instructions d'AMI PARIS.

At any time, the Buyer has a right of access, modification, rectification and deletion of data concerning him. To exercise this right, he can make a request to AMI PARIS according to the terms provided in the Confidentiality Policy

The Personal Data Management Policy of AMI PARIS is accessible on the Site.


The content of the Site, including all texts, images, graphics, photographs and videos and any other content distributed on the Site are the exclusive property of AMI PARIS, the sole holder of the intellectual property rights on this content.

Consequently, they cannot be reproduced, exploited or used for any reason whatsoever, without the express authorization of AMI PARIS.

AMI PARIS is the holder of all intellectual property rights (with the exception of the moral rights of the authors) relating to the Products and to the brands and distinctive signs under which the Products are marketed.

The Buyers or any third parties unreservedly recognize as such the intellectual property of AMI PARIS and undertake not to make any use of this content and not to infringe it in any way. manner whatsoever.

More specifically, the Buyer expressly undertakes not to manufacture, sell, license or commercialize in any manner whatsoever, directly or through a third party, for its own benefit or for the benefit of a third party, the Products, imitations or reproductions of the Products or the intellectual property rights relating to the Products and brands belonging to AMI PARIS.


The fact of one of the parties not taking advantage of a breach by the other party of any of the obligations referred to herein CGV cannot be interpreted for the future as a waiver of the obligation in question.


These CGV are drawn up in French.|| |3980


These general conditions are subject to the application of French law, to the exclusion of the provisions of the Vienna Convention. In the event of a dispute or complaint, the Buyer will contact the Seller as a priority to obtain an amicable solution. In the event of failure of an amicable agreement between the Parties, within twenty (20) days from receipt of a registered letter notified by one of the Parties, the dispute would then be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent Courts of the place of delivery of the Product, under the conditions of common law.

The Buyer may also resort to conventional mediation, in particular with the Consumer Mediation Commission or with existing sectoral mediation bodies, or with any alternative method of dispute resolution (conciliation, for example) in case of dispute.

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